Proper Order to Insert a Wedding Invitation and It’s Enclosures into an Envelope
These enclosures are inserted in the envelope in a very specific order. The idea is that when the outer envelope is opened, the guest can read his or her name on the inner envelope, and when the inner envelope is opened the guest can read the invitation or the enclosures stacked on top of it.
Use the steps below to insert each enclosure correctly in the envelope:
If you are using an inner and an outer envelope, start with the inner envelope by inserting the invitation printed side up, if a flat card. In the case of a folded invitation, folded edge first, faceup.
Then slip the RSVP card under the flap of its envelope, faceup and the addressed and stamped side of the RSVP envelope is facedown.
Stack the enclosures faceup, in size order, largest piece on the bottom.
Insert the stack of enclosures, faceup, on top of the invitation and slide the whole package into the inner envelope.
If using tissues, place them between the invitation and the enclosures. Improved printing techniques have made tissues unnecessary, but their use continues as a tradition.
The inner envelope is not sealed, nor is the flap tucked in. Turn it address side up, and place it in the outer envelope so the name of the invitee(s) is visible when the invitation is opened.
If you opted to use the outer envelope only, follow directions through step 5, and insert the invitation and all enclosures faceup, into the outer envelope, and then seal it.